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load reduction中文是什么意思

用"load reduction"造句"load reduction"怎么读"load reduction" in a sentence


  • 负荷减低
  • 减负载
  • "load"中文翻译    n. 1.装载,担子;负担;工作(负荷)量。 2.(车船 ...
  • "reduction"中文翻译    n. 1.缩小,减少;降级,降位;(刑罚等的)轻减;减速 ...
  • "reduction in load" 中文翻译 :    减少负荷
  • "reduction of load" 中文翻译 :    负荷减少
  • "load reduction test" 中文翻译 :    负载还原试验
  • "rate of wheel load reduction" 中文翻译 :    轮重减载率
  • "reduction under load test" 中文翻译 :    负荷还原试验
  • "reibkraftabbau friction load reduction" 中文翻译 :    降低磨擦力
  • "unloading reduction of load" 中文翻译 :    减载
  • "low pre ure load reduction fork ring" 中文翻译 :    低压减荷叉弹簧
  • "low pressure load reduction fork spring" 中文翻译 :    低压减荷叉弹簧
  • "no reduction" 中文翻译 :    未降价; 无扣减
  • "reduction" 中文翻译 :    n. 1.缩小,减少;降级,降位;(刑罚等的)轻减;减速;减价,折扣。 2.(城市、国家等的)陷落,投降,被征服、变成 (to; into)。 3.破落,没落;【物理学】衰减。 4.类别;碎矿;提炼。 5.【数学】简化,约简,缩减;化归。 6.(测量结果的)整理,(代号等的)译解;【无线电】订正。 7.【化学】还原法,改格法;【摄影】减薄。 a 10% reduction 九折。 great reductions in prices 大减价。 the reduction of armaments 裁(减)军(备)。 ascending [descending] reduction 由小[大]单位改成大[小]单位的换算法。 reduction to absurdity=reductio ad absurdum.
  • "a load of" 中文翻译 :    大量, 许多
  • "load" 中文翻译 :    n. 1.装载,担子;负担;工作(负荷)量。 2.(车船等的)装载量;一驮,一车,一飞机。 3.【电、机】(机械等的)负载(量),负荷(量);发电量。 4.充填,装药,装弹。 5.〔pl.〕许多,大量,一大堆。 6.〔俚语〕使人喝醉的量。 7.【生物学】(不利)负荷〔指有害基因的存在〕。 a load of care 精神负担。 a load of debt 债务的负担。 be ever ready to bear a heavy load on one's shoulders 勇于挑重担。 a cart load of furniture 一货车家具。 a load of hay 一堆干草。 We have to make three loads of the cargo. 我们得把货物分成三批装运。 genetic load【生物学】遗传负荷〔指有害基因的存在〕。 the breaking load最大载荷。 the capacity load满载。 the dead [static] load恒载,静(荷)载,自重。 the live [moving, mobile] load活负载,动荷载。 the peak load最大负载,峰负载 the permissible load容许负载。 the rated load额定载荷。 the safe load安全负载。 the working load资用负载。 loads of friends 大批朋友。 loads of time 充裕的时间。 a teaching load of twenty hours a week 每星期二十小时的教学任务。 be a load off one's mind 如释负重。 get a load of 〔美俚〕仔细听;注意看。 have a load on 〔美俚〕喝醉。take a load off one's feet 〔美俚〕坐下休息。 take a load off sb.'s mind 解除某人思想负担,使某人放心。 vt. 1.把货装到(船、车等)上;装(货)。 2.装满,使负担。 3.把子弹装到(枪里);把胶卷装入(照相机)。 4.用铅加重(骰子、手杖等);用低劣物质等搀入。 5.(人寿保险)加收额外保险费。 load cargo into the hold 把货装进船舱。 a heart loaded with care 心事重重。 a table loaded with delicacies 摆满佳肴的桌子。 air loaded with carbon 充满碳气的空气。 load one's stomach with food 吃得太多。 load sb. with praise 极力称赞某人。load a camera with film 给照相机装胶卷。 This wine has been loaded. 这种酒是搀了水的。 vi. 1.(在枪里)装弹药;装料。 2.(车、船等)装货;上船,上车。 Load! 【军事】装子弹! The ship is loading for London. 这船正装货运往伦敦。 They loaded into the boat. 他们上船了。 be loaded down with 〔美国〕 = be loaded up with 装着…,存有(某种股票等)。 load down 装载甚重。 loaded for bear 〔俚语〕 1. 有充分准备。 2. 生气;准备打架。 load the dice against sb. 对某人使用加重骰子;使用不正当手段占人便宜。
  • "load on" 中文翻译 :    加负荷
  • "load with" 中文翻译 :    装载某物
  • "no load" 中文翻译 :    空载; 免佣金的股票; 无荷载; 无载的
  • "no-load" 中文翻译 :    adj. (出售股票时)免付佣金的。
  • "on load" 中文翻译 :    带负载的; 有载的; 在荷载下
  • "to load" 中文翻译 :    装胶卷; 装入,寄存,写入,加载
  • "load-to-load" 中文翻译 :    逐批结算
  • "breast reduction reduction mammaplasty" 中文翻译 :    巨乳缩小手术
  • "reduction to centre; reduction of centre" 中文翻译 :    归心计算
  • "a reduction in numbers" 中文翻译 :    数字的减小


  • A final method used by the epd to assess improvements in water quality is known as pollution load reduction
  • 《 hepatology digest 》 : do you think the early viral load reduction is correlated with the improved efficacy and lower viral resistance ? and why
    《国际肝病》 :你认为早期病毒学抑制是否与较高的疗效和较低的病毒变异相关,为什么?
  • This thesis , which is devoted to the research on the smart rotor with actively controlled trailing - edge flap for hub oscillatory load reduction , offers a potential approach for the vibration reduction of helicopter
  • The safety of the running train is an important subject in railway vehicle system dynamics . the condition of derailment and indices of vehicle are important parameters that are defined for safety evaluation of the running train . according to the running condition of vehicle , the paper discusses derailment safety of vehicle in four respects : the coefficient of derailment for a single wheel , the coefficient of derailment for wheel - set , the derailment condition caused by wheel load reduction , relation between the coefficient of derailment and the rate of wheel load reduction . factors affecting the indices are systematically investigated . suitable conditions of derailment of vehicle are given . the results show that h / p1 can be used to evaluate the derailment safety , inwhich h is a force acting on wheel - set in the direction of lateral and p1 is a force acting on the derailment wheel in the direction of vertical
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